CAMS2024 – Student Bursaries

The Australian Ceramic Society (ACS) would like to offer financial support to assist students to attend the CAMS 2024 conference
The ACS is offering a limited number of bursaries to both South Australian ($200) and interstate students ($800), to assist with covering conference registration costs and travel costs who are presenting at CAMS2024

See flyer here

Are you eligible?

1. Higher degree by research student in any Australian University.
2. Member of the Australian Ceramic Society (ACS).
3. Acceptance of an Oral or Poster presentation at CAMS 2024.
4. Topic must be focusing on the CERAMICS.

* Preference will be given to those making an oral presentation on a topic related to ceramics. Where the connection is not directly evident, applicants are suggested to provide an explanation to support their application.


P.S If you’re not a member… it is FREE for students in 2024! FREE - join here.

To apply, please contact, providing your details, a copy of your abstract, and a note of endorsement from your research supervisor.

Closing Deadline: Tuesday 3rd September 2024