ACS Biennial Award Winners

The ACS Biennial Award is the highest award bestowed by the Australian Ceramic Society. This prestigious Award, inaugurated in 1982, is presented biennially, on the occasion of AUSTCERAM and CAMS conferences, to a person (not necessarily a member of our Society) who has contributed in an outstanding way to the profession and practice of ceramics in Australia.

Past Awardees

In the past it has been awarded to the following:

  • 1982 Associate Professor E. R. McCartney
  • 1984 Mr E. J. Tauber
  • 1986 Mrs. J. Mansfield
  • 1988 Dr M. V. Swain
  • 1990 Mr D. A. Taylor
  • 1992 Associate Professor R. McPherson
  • 1994 Mr. H. S. Kanost
  • 1996 Dr. K. D. Reeve
  • 1998 Mr. P. Faulkner
  • 2000 Associate Professor B. Ben-Nissan
  • 2002 Dr. R H J Hannink
  • 2004 Dr. E.R. Vance
  • 2007 Mr. R. Stead
  • 2009 Dr. D. Perera
  • 2011 Professor Yi-Bing Cheng
  • 2014 Mr. R. Bowman
  • 2016 Mrs. C. Inglis
  • 2018 Mr. Slava Prokopovich


Nominations with full documentation supporting the nominee, may be made by any member or Branch Committee of the Australian Ceramic Society.

The judging panel will consist of all members of Federal Council, unless the nominee is on the council, in which case they shall be excluded. Judging will be solely on the basis of documentation submitted, so this should cover all relevant supporting materials, including a full CV, publications list, an argued case by the submitting branch or member and 3 x 100 word maximum references (together with the names, position, organisation/company, email and phone contact details of the 3 referees).

Judging Criteria

  1. Has the major contribution to the ceramic industry/academia in Australia been clearly identified?
  2. How major was the achievement:
  • Known by what proportion of all professional ceramists in Australia?
  • Known overseas through products, personal knowledge, publications, etc?
  • Has it been pace – or trend-setting in Australia?
  • How much has it contributed to the growth of employment opportunities in Australia?
  • Has it helped to establish a new industry, pointed in a new direction, solved a pressing technical problem or problems, increased productivity, introduced new materials or new technology in the industrial scene?
  • How much has it contributed to the ‘quality’ of ceramic development and enterprise?
  • Has the achievement received awards for teaching or research
  • Overall excellence involved in the achievement.