CAMS Seminar Series: Talk #4 – Prof. Amy Clarke

The final free CAMS Seminar talk is being held 10am Friday Dec 10th, with a presentation from Prof. Amy Clarke, on “Multiscale Characterization of Metallic Alloy Solidification Dynamics”. For more information please see the flyer here. You can register for this FREE talk here.

Date: Friday, 10 December 2021
Time: 10am AEDT
Cost: FREE

Talk: Multiscale Characterization of Metallic Alloy Solidification Dynamics
Author: Amy J. Clarke, George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA


The solidification of metallic alloys is spatially and temporally multiscale. Although combinations of thermal gradient and solid/liquid interface velocity are known to dictate microstructure (and defect) development,
significant opportunity exists to study multiscale solidification dynamics during processing with novel tools and unique probes available in the laboratory and at national user facilities. Here the use of x-rays, protons,
neutrons, and electrons is highlighted for the multiscale characterization of metallic alloy solidification dynamics relevant to casting, directional solidification, and additive manufacturing. Multiscale in-situ/exsitu characterization is compared to process modeling and solidification theory and modeling. The new knowledge gained is aiding in the prediction and control of metallic alloy solidification dynamics by
advanced manufacturing. After introducing the basics of FFF, the seminar will discuss the opportunities created by the uptake of new
composite feedstocks, as well as the technological challenges observed upon printing due to the presence of a filler.


CAMS2021 is part of an ongoing series of meetings that are the product of the cooperation between two eminent materials professional societies in Australia – Materials Australia (MA) and the Australian Ceramic Society (ACS).

This year the 7th conference of the Combined Australian Materials Societies (CAMS2021) was to be hosted in Melbourne, Australia in December. However, the present situation in Australia has forced the organising committee to postpone this event to 02-04 February 2022.

In place, the organising committee offers members of these two societies and those already registered for CAMS2021 the opportunity to attend a seminar series where prominent international researchers will present their latest research results to the Australian material research communities.

This free seminar series will take place over several weeks between October and December and will be a live, online-only (zoom) event, featuring invited lectures from international researchers, and it will not be recorded.